Details and payment of fees:

Fees are inclusive of accommodation, meals, laundry, clothing and provision of care.
It is important that you and your relatives/representative are aware of the costs associated with living in the Springboig Care Centre and how the fees are to be paid. The financial arrangements that have been agreed for your stay are as follows:
Our Fees range from £614.07 for a residential bed and £714.90 for a nursing bed per week.

If you are funding your room through private means and your savings are reaching the threshold for receiving
assistance with cost, it is important to liaise with your social work finance department, we are able to assist you
with this if you wish.

Funding advice for elderly care can also be found by contacting care aware UK who are

A non profit making public information and advisory and advocacy service specialising in elderly care funding
advice in the UK

Springboig care centre also offers the following services

Podiatry per person £ 16


Men Hair Cut £6.50

Women Hair Cut £

Pampering service fees:

Prices depending on what your required